Choosing Your Career
Choosing a career is one of the most difficult decisions to make in life especially when the University Admissions Board of your country agreed in a board meeting on the course you will study in higher institution without inviting you to the meeting or your parents organized a family meeting to decide the course of your career when you were not there. If you fall into any of these categories, you will at a certain point in your life be faced with the decision of a career choice.
Now, this is not a straight forward answer to your quest, but a simple guide that will help you make the decision. In the end, you will still have to make the decision. It’s part of what you signed up for in the imaginary maturity professional course. You have just this life to live: live it! Now here is the guide for you:
1- There are 7 spheres of influence and you have been called by God into some of them. They are Entertainment, Media, Education, Family, Government, Economy and Religion. Find out by the Spirit the spheres of influence that you belong to. You can be involved in up to four (4).
2- Find out what the agenda of God for the spheres of influence you have been called into. There are dreams in the mind of God that you can pick up.
3- Now, get the right education. If you can get a degree, beautiful. If you cannot, go for informal forms of education which can be to take a professional course, get a diploma or sign up for an online training. You would need to be educated. There is no escape from school!
With that guide, you will have a tangible grasp of your career. Note that whatever you choose to be involved in, it must align with your generation’s needs, your country’s needs and global needs.